Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 24, 341 left

So this is my exciting picture for the day, i hope no one was expecting much LOL

This is just an example of how my day has gone =]

Anybody out there feel sorry for me? Anyone?...anyone??, ok...


  1. yikes, looks like my house right now!!! It's what I have to tackle after church today!

  2. Nope, been there done that, now its your turn! LOL. That is one thing I don't miss about the kids.

  3. I can relate to your piles. I got that going on in my basement right now. Just know you are not alone.

  4. Glad you joined the project! I actually love doing laundry, but it does make me a little nuts to finish putting away the last load and have that feeling of being all caught up totally blown out of the water when the hubby throws a dirty t-shirt into the basket I just emptied!

  5. I feel ya! LOL Also wanted to let you know that I've started mine :) It's here:
